Medical Qigong Seminar #10.M
Energetic Anatomy and Physiology
32 Hours - 5 Days
is a 5-Day intensive seminar on the foundations of Chinese
Energetic Medicine as explained in Chapters 1 - 9 and
Chapters 20 - 25 (Sections 1 and 5) of the textbook,
“Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: A Comprehensive
Clinical Text,” as taught at the Healing
Qi Institute.
This tenth seminar offers the student an overview of
the major principles and foundational structures that
govern Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy. Course content
will include, an Introduction to Traditional Chinese
Medicine, the Five Dominions of Energy, Energetic Embryology,
Understanding Fetal Toxins, Energy, Matter and Spiritual
Interactions, Fascia Development and Energy Flow, Classifications
of the Body's Five Constitutions, The Five Energies
of the Human Body, The Three Dantians, Yin and Yang
Divisions, Nine Chambers and Center Taiji Pole, The
Twelve Primary Channels and Interacting Organs, The
Eight Extraordinary Vessels and their Functions, The
Fifteen Collaterals, The Function of the Body's Energetic
Points, The Extraordinary Yang Organs, Etiology of Medical
Qigong Therapy, The Eight Miscellaneous Causes of Disease,
The Differentiation of Syndromes and the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Patients.
completing Seminar #10, students will have a deeper
comprehension of the body’s energetic matrix as
it pertains to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Disease,
Diagnosis and the Medical Qigong clinic.
The focus will be placed on integrating Clinical Qigong
Modalities, advanced assessment and energetic modulation
skills, as well as case studies and mock clinical exercises.
This is the tenth in a series of 12 Seminars offered
by the Healing Qi Institute in order
to complete the requirements for "Master
of Medical Qigong".
Each student will be tested via oral and practical examination.
At the end of the seminar a certificate of completion
will be given.
for Medical Qigong Course 10.M
Energetic Anatomy and Physiology
1 (9:00-12:00 P.M.)
• Foundations of Chinese Medicine
Understanding the Concept of Qi; The Five Realms of
Energy; History of Chinese Energetic Medicine; Ancient
Chinese Shaman Doctors: Wu Yi; Different Schools of
Qigong; Medical Qigong Defined; Medical Qigong Training
and Clinical Qualifications in China; Traditional Chinese
Medicine and Medical Qigong Therapy.
Reading Assignment: All of Chapters 1 (pages 3-24)
• Understanding Ancient Chinese Metaphysics:
The Energetic Formation of the Universe; The Energetic
Formation of the Human Body; Energetic Embryological
Development; Prenatal and Postnatal Energetic Patterns;
The Ethereal and Corporeal Souls.
Reading Assignment: All of Chapter 2 (pages 25-51)
Lunch Break (12:00-1:30 P.M.)
Day 1 (1:30-5:00 P.M.)
• Physical Development and Structural Formation:
Yin and Yang Anatomical Aspects; Classification of the
Five Element Physical Constitutions.
Reading Assignment: All of Chapter 3 (pages 53-73)
• The Five Energies of the Human Body:
Cellular Vibration and the Five Energies of the Human
Body; Sound Energy Resonances.
Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 (pages 75-77)
Exercise #1: Projecting Sound into
Water - Hand:
Exercise #2: Projecting Sounds into
all Five Levels of Tissue
2 (9:00-12:00 P.M.)
• The Five Energies of the Human Body (Continued):
Light Energy Resonances.
Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 (pages 77-82)
Exercise 1: Projecting Colored Light
into Extraordinary Vessels - R.B.W.);
• Magnetic Energy.
Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 (pages 82-84)
Exercise 2: Manipulating the Body's
Three Wei Qi Fields
Lunch Break (12:00-1:30 P.M.)
Day 2 (1:30-5:00 P.M.)
• The Five Energies of the Human Body (Continued):
Generated Heat. and Electricity.
Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 (pages 84-87)
Exercise 1: Projecting Heat to Tonify
the Lower Dantian
3 (9:00-12:00 P.M.)
• The Taiji Pole and Three Dantians:
The Taiji Pole, the Nine Chakras, and the Twelve Gates
of the Chakra System.
Reading Assignment: Chapter 5 (pages 105-115)
Exercise 1: Locating, Removing, Cleaning,
and Energizing the Primary Chakra Gate Filters)
Lunch Break (12:00-1:30 P.M.)
Day 3 (1:30-5:00 P.M.)
• The Taiji Pole and Three Dantians (Continued):
The Three Dantians; Yin and Yang Aspects; Energetic
Function; Nine Energetic Chambers.
Reading Assignment: Chapter 5 (pages 89-105)
Exercise 1: Locating and Energizing
the Three Dantians: Aum-Ha-Rheem Exercise
Day 4 (9:00-12:00 P.M.)
• The Eight Extraordinary Vessels:
The Function of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels and
Medical Qigong Therapy; Clinical Manifestation and Use;
The Governing and Conception Vessels; The Thrusting
Vessels and The Belt Vessels.
Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 (pages 155-168)
Exercise #1: Regulating the Governing
and Conception Vessels;
Exercise #2: Regulating the Belt Vessel;
Exercise #3: Regulating the Thrusting
Lunch Break (12:00-1:30 P.M.)
Day 4 (1:30-5:00 P.M.)
• The Eight Extraordinary Vessels (Continued):
The Yin and Yang Heel Vessels; The Yin and Yang Linking
Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 (pages 168-174)
Exercise #4: Heel Vessel Treatment
Protocol for Treating MS and Parkinson's Disease)
• The Extraordinary Organs :
The Energetic Function of the Six Extraordinary Organs.
Reading Assignment: All of Chapter 9 (pages 215-221)
Exercise 1: Tonifying and Regulating
the Sea of Qi, Sea of Blood, Sea of Marrow, Brain and
Bones with the Fusion of Fire and Water Meditation)
5 (9:00-12:00 P.M.)
• The Twelve Primary Organs, Channels and Collaterals:
The Internal Organs and Chinese Internal Medicine; Basic
Overview of the Function of the Gall Bladder, Liver,
Lungs, Large Intestine, Stomach, and Spleen Organs and
Reading Assignment: Chapter 6, (pages 117-136)
Lunch Break (12:00-2:00 P.M.)
Day 5 (2:00-5:00 P.M.)
• The Twelve Primary Organs, Channels and Collaterals
Basic Overview of the Function of the Heart, Small Intestine,
Urinary Bladder, Kidneys, Pericardium, and Triple Burner
Organs and Channels. Reading Assignment: Chapter 6 (pages
• Examination |
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